Sunday 17 April 2011

How glum does Betsy look on the floor by the sofa now that Ben has gone?  She is clearly missing 'Paddy love' from him (this will only make sense to Brits who have seen 'Take me out').  The camera flash makes Betsy's eyes look a bit spooky.

Ben's boxes have been collected by the couriers and should now be at the dock ready for shipping out to Kamloops.  Hopefully all his 'stuff' will arrive fairly soon.

Steph has been here this weekend to use me as a guinea pig for her Reflexology course (a big change from the world of corporate finance) - it was lovely..... so relaxing.  The cherry blossom is out as you can see in this picture of John, Steph and Betsy.

And finally, it's Sunday, the sun is shining and we are having the first Pimms of summer. It is so delicious, may there be many more!!